Organizational Change and the Future of Work: Top 5 Trends

In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, the future of work is being shaped by various transformative trends. The article from WalkMe titled "Organizational Change and the Future of Work: Top 5 Trends" delves into the most prominent trends that are driving organizational change. These trends are expected to redefine every aspect of the digital workplace, from our workflows and tools to business models and training. Here are the top five trends highlighted in the article:

  1. Automation: The automation revolution, powered by technologies like AI, RPA, and IA, is already here. While there's a lot of buzz around automation, opinions are divided. Some studies predict that up to 47% of jobs could be eliminated in the coming years, while others suggest more modest figures. The emphasis, however, should be on creating new job types rather than just protecting the existing ones.
  2. AI (Artificial Intelligence): AI is fueling many of today's advanced technologies, from search engines and recommendation systems to voice recognition and data analysis. Major tech companies like Google, Amazon, and Facebook are already leveraging AI. The scope of AI applications is expected to broaden, encompassing various industries.
  3. Digital-First: A significant 89% of organizations are either already adopting or planning to adopt a digital-first strategy. This approach emphasizes worker productivity through advanced tools, understanding customer expectations, and digitally modifying businesses or processes.
  4. Digital Skills Development: The rapid advancement of technology has increased the demand for digital skills. Terms like upskilling, reskilling, and career development are becoming more prevalent. Companies recognize the ROI of education, understanding that trained workers are more productive and loyal.
  5. Experience-Centered Business Practices: The experience of users, whether they are customers, employees, or any other stakeholders, has taken center stage. Companies are realizing the importance of providing excellent experiences across all touchpoints, understanding that it directly impacts their bottom line.

As a Chinese international student studying in Canada, these trends resonate with me on multiple levels. Firstly, the emphasis on digital skills development aligns with my pursuit of education abroad. I believe that equipping myself with these skills will not only make me competitive in the job market but also allow me to contribute positively to any organization I join.

The trend of experience-centered business practices also strikes a chord. Having experienced cultural shifts and diverse environments, I understand the importance of a good experience, whether it's in a classroom, a workplace, or even in daily interactions. Companies that prioritize this will undoubtedly have a competitive edge.

Moreover, after reading the article "Six Steps To Adapt To The Future Of Work" by Jacob Morgan on Forbes, I found the emphasis on challenging assumptions particularly relevant. As an international student, I've often found myself questioning traditional practices and norms, both in my home country and in Canada. This perspective of constantly questioning "why" resonates with me. The article also highlights the importance of defining and communicating the "Future of Work" within organizations. This is akin to my personal journey of defining my career path and communicating my aspirations to peers, professors, and potential employers. The iterative process of adapting to the future of work, as described by Morgan, is a reminder that change is constant, and adaptability is key. This is a lesson I've learned firsthand while navigating the challenges and opportunities of studying abroad.

Lastly, the push towards a digital-first approach and the rise of AI is exciting. They represent the convergence of technology and human potential, something I'm eager to be a part of in my future career.

Team, W. (2021, July 13). Organizational change and the future of work: Top 5 trends. The Change Management Blog.

Morgan, J. (2016, February 1). Six steps to adapt to the future of work. Forbes.



  1. I can relate to your "why" questions having lived within different cultures. I also had a lot of "why" questions when I started working for a new company especially seeing how different companies also tend to utilize technology and jump on trends. During the pandemic, the company I worked for was already remote ready with the proper technology already in place to support its employees. Everything was digital, and millions were invested in software. This created a digitally skilled workforce and I believe this is what kept that company successful even during a time when a lot of companies did not.

    Currently lots of backlash are on the media against AI but I think the only way to survive and succeed is to learn the changes and adapt! I am with you with the excitement! Thanks for this article!


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